Wednesday, April 18, 2007

At Times It Was Dangerous.

Tonight can be summed up in a very few words. Scrabble. And... Walk to gas station. Or I should say gas stationS. We went to three. On foot. Why? No good reason. It was something dumb to do. But as the title of the post explains... at times it was dangerous. We crossed a busy highway intersection in the dark. Always a smart move to make. Anyway...I think you will get the overall feeling for the whole night here in this short photo essay of sorts. Note the high math on the Scrabble score sheet.

You will have to click on the above pic strip to see it bigger....

I think we are heading to Savannah tomorrow while Billy stays home to paint. Thanks for tuning in. We appreciate your support in these odd posting times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are really doing some amazing things while traveling!