SNARK! Beware the Jabberwock.
Much in the same fashion that The Walrus was Paul, I am currently the Jabberwocky. What does that mean? Perhaps a visual will assist....
Go ahead and imagine the little prince with the sword there as all of humanity. But in my version of the nonsense poem the kid does not slice off my head. In my version I wreak havoc on the world at large and then come home and take a long, well deserved nap. And eat ice cream when I wake up.
What's the problem? Ahhhh.... I dunno. It's cold here... it's no longer quiet and quaint because tourist season has sprung up over night, I need to do laundry (my claws just grew three extra inches there) and I am generally unaccepting of my fate for the next three months. What's my fate? Cold weather (in the summer.) And honk-loads of tourists. As many years as I have under my belt now of living in a place where tourism blasts off like a nuclear rocket pretty much over night I am still quite capable of going through a seriously crabby spell over it. It's stupid too because it basically boils down to me being pissed because I have to wait in line at the coffee shop. Or I have to look for a parking spot. The outrage! (Sarcasm.) Everywhere I go there are.... LOTS OF PEOPLE THERE ALREADY! (More sarcasm.)
In other news... we are waiting to see what the fate of California State Parks are per Ahhhnold's latest shenanigans. In case you have not heard he wants to shut down 80% of ALL the state parks in Cali. He is taking his title of "The Terminator" to a whole new level. I mean... Hello everyone... the guys brain is like the barrel of a freshly loaded shot gun. Why did he ever get in to office in the first place? His budget does not get passed so he goes all Godzilla on us and starts smashing everything in sight. Hey! That kinda sounds like me! Oops!
Clearly the only answer right now is for me to go cook up a big batch of tapioca pudding.
Rudy is down on the floor next to me fighting ferociously against one of these....It was his prize for having won the pet story contest. He was super pissed off at Larry the Lobster from the minute he clapped eyes on him. It has been constant fighting since Larry's arrival yesterday.
Lastly... say a little prayer for Billy's tooth. He has a zinger in there right now tryin' to take him down. We are using Back Woods meets Japanese Secret style natural medicine on him right now in lieu of going to the dentist. I will let you know if I am a true natural healer or if he ends up giving in to taking a course of antibiotics. Place your bets now....
1 comment:
i wanted to de-lurk, and say i've been reading and loving your blog for a little while now. hope the natural course works on billy's tooth, and rudy makes peace with the lobster! we are also living/working in an airstream trailer... a fun life if you can swing it for sure. we are pretty new at it, but loving it so far.
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