Big River Walk and of Course More EATING
It's not that days of the week mean much to us with our schedule but Sundays always feel like a day when something a little special should happen. Why? Who knows. Maybe it is ingrained in our heads by our culture... we are not church goers unless you consider the great outdoors Holy (which I do but in a really abstract non religious sort of way. Confused? Good.) So now that we have a bazillion acres of woods around us I guess you can say we attended "services" today. We went for about a 6 mile walk in the Big River Valley on an old logging road that runs along side the river.
On this walk you wind in and out of redwood forests (mostly new growth, the loggers cut all the old ones down over a 100 years ago on the river banks) and have great views of Big River through the trees and from cliffs above it. Big River has a really epic feel to it... as do the redwoods, so it is a pretty cool place to walk.
There are cool plants along the path and today was actually sunny so I got some great shots along the way.

It's Rudy and The Tree of Death. He's like a little ground buzzard.
We were starving by the time we got home at 6 and I decided to go ahead and cook a dinner that took almost two hours to make. That's how I roll. To keep our stomachs from grumbling too much we drank Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout while I was chopping and baking. It is another local brew and it is really friggin' good stuff. These folks in Mendocino County know how to treat their hops and barley.
Tonight we had Smothered Cajun Squash, Deep South Slaw and Cheddar Biscuits on our table. The recipes were all pulled from the February issue of Vegetarian Times magazine. I found the recipe for the squash on THIS (The Recipe Colossus) website if you are interested in making it yourself and don't have the magazine on hand.

If I made it again I would incorporate some honey, maple or ginger syrup into the baking process. I thought it needed a little sweetness to cut the Cajun spices. But that is just me, I would eat maple syrup on a raw onion.... or cardboard... or... a dead frog. Everything is better with maple syrup. WORD.
I will leave you with Billy's latest masterpiece. This is a view of a whirlpool we saw off the shore of Russian Gulch last week. It was wicked foggy and cold that day and absolutely beautiful out on the headlands. I think he nailed it in this painting.

I had no religion growing up whatsoever, and have a work-when-I-feel-like-it type of job, but I also feel like Sundays should be set apart somehow from the other days of the week. In my case, that usually means being as lazy as humanly possible.
I'm a fan of the painting. It's very moody; still in places and volatile in others. That's how I like it.
Hmmmm... I save a few OTHER days of the week to be as lazy as humanly possible on Raven. You may want to consider this as a viable option. Sundays are for fun outings and a big meal and maybe Tuesday and Wednesday are for slug impersonations and of course more big meals. The two go hand in hand really... big meals and laying around like a napping pig! Save work for rare special moments. It makes it feel more valuable.
I will let Billy know you dig the painting. ;)
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