Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Lonely Turkey of The Blanco River

So for any of you who are concerned... Rudy has had a full recovery from his scorpion sting earlier today. He spent the better part of the day sleeping it off. He can walk and actually put weight on his little foot again. He is a trooper that one.

Here are a few pictures from today. Nothin' fancy. I just wanted to show a bit of where we are. Here's our site...

Cottonwood Creek runs through the trees right behind us. It has been really dry down here so the creek is really low.

I grabbed a few shots while we were out driving this afternoon, coming back from the post office in town. The area where we are is pretty much one ranch after another for miles in any direction. There are a lot of great trees and the color of the grass is really striking. The sun just intensifies all of it.

We did have a chance to walk the banks of The Blanco River for a stretch before the stinging event this morning. The river is gorgeous... it is a really milky shade of jade green. We kept spotting big groups of geese and ducks hanging around on the river's edge.

Then we spotted "The Lonely Turkey of The Blanco River." Poor fella. He was the lone ranger of his species. The geese could have cared less about him but he was tryin' like Hell to hang out with them. They eventually took to the water and started cruising downstream. He ran alongside on the banks looking oh so very distraught and left behind. I hope he did not decide to try his swimming skills because I am sure it would end badly.

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