Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Big Berta has a Boo Boo

Ummm.... yeah. There has been a slight change in plans. We are supposed to be en route to the finger lakes in upstate NY today but as you can see... ain't nobody goin' nowhere in that truck today. Big Berta has chosen Brattleboro as a spot where she thinks we should linger on a few extra days while she recuperates from an injury.

So... we stay here at the KOA for a couple more nights. I am pretty bummed out about this because it is cutting into our time at Lake Seneca which I was really looking forward to. Hopefully Berta will not have anything too horrible wrong with her and we can be on the road maybe even by tomorrow morning. Then again... maybe not. All I know right now is I LOVE OUR WARRANTY. The warranty is like a giant perfect strawberry dipped in dark chocolate. It's delicious.

I will post again once we have a diagnoses. Until then... send out your most heartfelt "Get Well Soon" vibes to Berta. Thanks.

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