Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cherry Bombs, Wolf Hounds, Job Quitting and Sprinkler Systems

If you experience all of these things in the same day then you should consider yourself a real pro. A pro at what? I dunno. A pro at wandering around aimlessly shooting photos of random dumb stuff and generally being a delinquent I suppose. That is what I am currently a pro at. And you can be too if you follow in my footsteps.

Anyway, first things first....

I will couple the cherry bomb with the fact that I quit my new part time job. After just 5 days. All I will say is this... time went by like molasses running uphill in a freezer while I was in that place. I could not do it. So here I am again... a free agent. Ring me up if you need anything done. I am available.

Next in line is a thought on especially gigantic dogs. While intoxicating to see on the streets of town I would not be able to contend with one in my home. Especially not this one....

Good gravy people. That is a mythical devil horse... not a family pet. I mean... don't get me wrong, he was very friendly and all.... but how can you sleep knowing that creature is laying at the foot of your bed? Rudy was hypnotized by it's size, shape, color and the fact that it was clearly shooting invisible messages through the air into his wee terrier brain. We are all lucky to be alive.

What else... ? Oh. We fought with a few sprinklers on the one patch of green grass that exists in Santa Fe. Well... Rudy fought and we watched and sort of weakly cheered him on. That grass is breakin' all the rules here in this town. It's days are numbered.

So there you have it. This is what I have for you today. I am still giddy with my regained freedom after quitting my two day a week job. You can't expect me to be too serious just yet.


Anonymous said...

And I always thought I had interesting work history...At least you attempted a part time job and now know it's not all it's cracked up to be (except for the money but yours and Rudy's sanity is more important).

I kinda like the idea of that dog sleeping at the foot of my bed...not quite sure why, but I can't lie...I like it.

Also, I don't understand the cherry it a lawn ornament? Is it a business symbol? Is it art? This perturbs me...

Bethany said...

The cherry bomb is a huge piece of art outside the museum down the street from our house. The same guy also made a huge gold hand grenade. I like the way he thinks. Blow it sky high baby!